Wintrac constantly revises its courses based on student evaluations. Your input is very important. Please take the time to complete this at the end of the course.

Student Name





Please use the following scale to rate the course:
5 = Excellent       4 = Good       3= Average       2 = Below Average       1 = Poor

Overall instructor evaluation

Overall course evaluation

Instructor’s knowledge of the subject

Course notes

Lab exercises

What aspects of the course did you like the best?

What aspects of the course did you dislike?

What changes would you like to see in this class?

Would you recommend this class to others?
Yes    No

Would you be willing to act as a reference for the class?
Yes    No

Please mention the names of any colleagues / associates who would benefit from such a course.


Wintrac Inc.
16523 SW McGwire Ct.
Beaverton OR 97007
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