AutoCAD LT 2008 Fundamentals
AutoCAD Training Overview
The objective of AutoCAD LT 2008 Fundamentals is to enable students to create a basic 2D drawing in AutoCAD LT. Learning to use AutoCAD LT is therefore not a trivial undertaking. To make the process easier and provide flexibility for instructors and students, the class is divided into two parts that may be taken independently.
Fundamentals, Part 1 (three days) covers the indispensable core topics for working with AutoCAD LT. The teaching strategy is to start with a few basic tools that will let the student create and edit a simple drawing. We then continue to develop those tools, as well as introducing more advanced tools throughout the course. Our intent is to show the most essential tools and concepts:
- Understanding the AutoCAD LT workspace and user interface
- Using basic drawing, editing, and viewing tools
- Organizing drawing objects on layers
- Inserting reusable symbols (blocks)
- Preparing a layout to be plotted
- Adding text, hatching, and dimensions
Fundamentals, Part 2 (two days) continues with more sophisticated techniques that will extend the user’s mastery of the program. For example, here we go beyond the basic skill of inserting a block to learning how to create blocks, and beyond the basic skill of using a template to understanding the process of setting up a template.
AutoCAD Training Topics
- Using more advanced editing and construction techniques
- Creating local and global blocks
- Setting up layers, styles, and templates
- Working with advanced layout and plotting tools
AutoCAD Training Course Duration
40 hours
AutoCAD Training Course outline
Fundamentals Part 1
Module 1: Creating a Simple Drawing
Section 1: Getting Started with AutoCAD
- Starting AutoCAD
- AutoCAD LT’s Screen Layout
- Working with Commands
- Opening an Existing Drawing File
- Saving Your Work
- AutoCAD LT’s Cartesian Workspace
Section 2: Basic Drawing & Editing Commands
- Drawing Lines
- Erasing Objects
- Drawing Lines with Polar Tracking
- Drawing Rectangles
- Drawing Circles
- Viewing Your Drawing
- Undoing and Redoing Actions
Module 2: Making Your Drawings More Precise
Section 1: Drawing Precision in AutoCAD
- Using Running Object Snaps
- Using Object Snap Overrides
- Polar Tracking at Angles
- Object Snap Tracking
- Drawing with Snap and Grid
Section 2: Making Changes in Your Drawing
- Selecting Objects for Editing
- Moving Objects
- Copying Objects
- Rotating Objects
- Scaling Objects
- Mirroring Objects
- Editing Objects with Grips
Module 3: Drawing Organization and Information
Section 1: Organizing Your Drawing with Layers
- Creating New Drawings with Templates
- What are Layers?
- Layer States
- Changing an Object’s Layer
Section 2: Advanced Object Types
- Drawing Arcs
- Drawing Polylines
- Editing Polylines
- Drawing Polygons
- Drawing Ellipses
Section 3: Getting Information from Your Drawing
Measuring Objects
Working with Object Properties
Module 4: Creating More Complex Objects
Section 1: Advanced Editing Commands
- Trimming and Extending Objects
- Stretching Objects
- Creating Fillets and Chamfers
- Offsetting Objects
- Creating Arrays of Objects
Section 2: Inserting Blocks
- What are Blocks?
- Inserting Blocks from Tool Palettes
- Inserting Blocks Using Insert
- Inserting Blocks with DesignCenter
Module 5: Preparing to Print
Section 1: Setting Up a Layout
- Printing Concepts
- Creating Viewports
- Setting up Layouts
- Guidelines for Layouts
Section 2: Printing Your Drawing
Printing Layouts
Printing a Check Plot
Module 6: Annotating Your Drawing
Section 1: Text
Working with Annotations
Adding Text in a Drawing
Modifying Multiline Text
Formatting Multiline Text
Section 2: Hatching
Section 3: Adding Dimensions
- Dimensioning Concepts
- Adding Linear Dimensions
- Adding Radial & Angular Dimensions
- Editing Dimensions
- Adding Notes to Your Drawing
Fundamentals Part 2
Module 1: Productivity Tools
Section 1: Working Effectively with AutoCAD LT
- Setting up the Interface
- Using the Keyboard Effectively
- Working in Multiple Drawings
- Using Grips Effectively
- Additional Layer Tools
Section 2: Accurate Positioning
- Coordinate Entry
- Locating Points with Tracking
- Construction Lines
- Placing Reference Points
Module 2: Creating and Organizing Blocks
Section 1: Creating Blocks
- Creating Blocks
- Editing Blocks
- Removing Unused Elements
Section 2: Blocks in Tool Palettes
- Adding Blocks to Tool Palettes
- Modifying Tool Properties in Tool Palettes
Module 3: Drawing Setup and Utilities
Section 1: Creating Templates
- Why Use Templates?
- Controlling Units Display
- Creating New Layers
- Adding Standard Layouts to Templates
- Saving Templates
Section 2: Annotation Styles
- Creating Text Styles
- Creating Dimension Styles
- Creating Multileader Styles
Module 4: Advanced Layouts and Printing
Section 1: Advanced Layouts
- Creating and Using Named Views
- Creating Additional Viewports
- Layer Overrides In Viewports
- Additional Annotative Scale Features
Section 2: DWF Printing and Publishing
- DWF Plotting and Viewing
- Publishing Drawing Sets
- Section 3: Drawing Projects
- D-Sized Title Block
- Mechanical Project - Drill Press Base
- Architectural Project - Office Tower
- P&ID Project - Oil Lubrication System
- Civil Project - Warehouse Site
Appendix: Optional Topics
- How to Use Quick Calc
- Additional Zoom Commands
- Creating Model Space Viewports
- Advanced Object Selection
- Single-Line Text
- Other Text Tools
- Additional Dimensioning Tools
- Creating Boundaries
- Working with Regions
- Temporary Overrides