AutoCAD Training Overview
This in-depth AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2016 for Surveyors training guide is for surveyors and survey technicians that do not necessarily need all of the functionality that is taught in AutoCAD Civil 3D Fundamentals. This training guide equips the surveyor with the basic knowledge required to use AutoCAD Civil 3D efficiently in a typical daily workflow. Students learn how to import the converted field equipment survey data into a standardized environment in AutoCAD Civil 3D and to use the automation tools to create an Existing Condition Plan. Data collection, and traverses are also covered. Other topics that help in increasing efficiency include styles, correct AutoCAD® drafting techniques, the methodology required to create linework effectively for variables used in defining symbology, surfaces, categorizing points, and importing imagery.
Previous experience with the AutoCAD software and a basic understanding of the Surveying profession is recommended.
AutoCAD Training Topics
AutoCAD Training Course Duration
16 hours
AutoCAD Training Course outline
Chapter 1 The AutoCAD Civil 3D Interface
1.1 Product Overview
1.2 AutoCAD Civil 3D Workspaces
1.3 AutoCAD Civil 3D User Interface
1.4 AutoCAD Civil 3D Toolspace
1.5 AutoCAD Civil 3D Panorama
1.6 AutoCAD Civil 3D Templates, Settings, and Styles
Chapter 2 Connecting to Geospatial Data
2.1 Introduction to the Planning and Analysis
2.2 Coordinate Systems
2.3 Geospatial Data Connection
2.4 Create a Surface from GIS Data
Chapter 3 Survey Setup
3.1 Survey Workflow Overview
3.2 Collecting Field Data
3.3 Introduction to the Survey Toolspace
3.4 Survey Figures
3.5 The Survey Database
3.6 Lines and Curves
3.7 Coordinate Geometry Edit
Chapter 4: Points
4.1 Points Overview
4.2 Point Label Styles
4.3 Point Settings
4.4 Creating Points
4.5 Transparent Command
4.6 Description Key Sets
4.7 Importing and Exporting Points
4.8 Point Groups
4.9 Reviewing and Editing Points
4.10 Locking/Unlocking Points
4.11 Point Reports
Chapter 5: Points with Connective Codes
5.1 Field Codes
5.2 Survey Data - Figures
5.3 Survey Data - Line Code
5.4 Translating a Survey Database
Chapter 6: Field Book Files
6.1 Survey Networks
6.2 Importing a Field Book
6.3 Working with Figures
6.4 Filtering a Survey Database
Chapter 7: Surfaces.
7.1 Surface Process
7.2 Surface Properties
7.3 Surface Data
7.4 Breaklines and Boundaries
7.5 Surface Editing
7.6 Surface Analysis Tools
7.7 Surface Labels.
7.8 Surface Volume Calculations
7.9 Surface Analysis Display
7.10 Point Cloud Surface Extraction
Appendix A Additional Tools
Appendix B: AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 Certification Exam Objectives