Marketing Essentials

Business Skills Training Overview

Without marketing, the fact that you've built a better mousetrap might go unnoticed. In fact, the whole notion of what constitutes a better mousetrap is dependent on marketing insights. Your engineers may have an elegant design that consumers reject as irrelevant or too cumbersome to use. Marketers are key in coordinating those who make product and design decisions with sales personnel and, ultimately, with consumers. Their marketing strategies can enable companies to remain ahead of the competition and attract customers whose loyalty will be the foundation of a successful venture. In this course, you will develop essential marketing skills.

Course Objective:

You will develop strategic and tactical skills to create, execute, and evaluate a marketing plan.


To ensure your success, we recommend you first take the following courses or have equivalent knowledge:

  • Project Management Skills for Non-Project Managers
  • Getting the Results Without the Authority
Delivery Method:

Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities

Target Student;

This course is designed for business people with little or no knowledge of marketing practices, as well as inexperienced marketing professionals.

Hardware Requirements

  • A Pentium III with 500 MHz (or better), or Macintosh Intel-based or PowerPC G4 (or better) processor.
  • At least 512 MB of RAM.
  • A monitor capable of 1024 x 768 screen resolution and 32-bit color display.
Platform Requirements
  • Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP (Professional or Home Edition), Windows 2000, or Apple Mac OS X 10.4 (or higher).
Software Requirements

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (or higher), Mozilla Firefox 2 (or higher), or Apple Safari 2 (or higher), with pop-up blocking turned off.
  • Adobe Flash Player 8 (current version recommended). .
Performance-Based Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • analyze your market.
  • position your product.
Course duration

1.0 Day(s)

Business Skills Training outline

Lesson 1: Analyzing Your Market
  • Topic 1A: Determine Your Sales Objectives
  • Topic 1B: Analyze the Market
  • Topic 1C: Isolate Your Market Segment
  • Topic 1D: Analyze Your Product
Lesson 2: Positioning Your Product
  • Topic 2A: Position Your Product
  • Topic 2B: Price Your Product
  • Topic 2C: Brand Your Product
  • Topic 2D: Develop Your Advertising Tactics
  • Topic 2E: Organize Your Marketing Efforts
  • Topic 2F: Conduct a Marketing Audit

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Beaverton OR 97007
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