AutoCAD Training Overview
This training guide focuses on the creation of complex geometry that cannot easily be created using solid features. It provides students with a basic understanding of surface modeling styles and extensive exercises to practice the new functionality used to create complex geometry.
AutoCAD Training Topics
Pro/ENGINEER: Introduction to Solid Modeling, Pro/ENGINEER: Advanced Part Design, and Pro/ENGINEER: Core Update Wildfire 2.0 to Wildfire 5.0 or equivalent Wildfire experience
AutoCAD Training Course Duration
24 hours
AutoCAD Training Course outline
Chapter1 Surface Basics
Chapter2 Rference Geometry
Chapter3 Splines and Conics
Chapter4 Creating Simple Surfaces
Chapter5 Surface Operations
Chapter6 Advanced Surface operations
Chapter7 Boundary Blends
Chapter8 Analysis Tools
Chapter9 Advanced Surfaces
Chapter10 Advanced swept Surfaces
Chapter11 Advanced Surface options
Chapter12 Offset Surfaces
Chapter13 Introduction to Data Exchange
Appendix A Advanced surface Project