AutoCAD Training Overview
Autodesk® Vault Workgroup 2015 R2 Essentials training guide expands the Autodesk® Vault Basic functionality to working with document lifecycles and providing knowledge of advanced data organization.
This training guide is intended for users and CAD administrators with Autodesk Vault Basic knowledge desiring to expand their skills to accommodate additional engineering workflows and data organization. This training guide focuses on the features of Autodesk Vault Workgroup. Hands-on exercises are included to reinforce lifecycle and revision management. Students are taught how to manage lifecycles, properties, categories, and revisions.
AutoCAD Training Topics
Students should have a good working knowledge of Autodesk CAD programs and have working knowledge of Autodesk Vault Basic features
AutoCAD Training Course Duration
16 hours
AutoCAD Training Course outline
Chapter 1: Introduction to Autodesk Vault Workgroup
Lesson 1: Autodesk Vault Workgroup Overview
Exercise 1: Manage Files and Create Links
Chapter 2: Lifecycle States in Autodesk Vault Workgroup
Lesson 1: Lifecycle Definitions and States
Exercise 1: Create New Lifecycle Definition
Lesson 2: Configuring Lifecycle States
Exercise 1: Configure Lifecycle Definition
Lesson 3: Changing File Lifecycle States
Exercise 1: Change Lifecycle States
Chapter 3: Revision Management in Autodesk Vault Workgroup
Lesson 1: Revision and Versions
Lesson 2: Creating and Modifying Revision Schemes
Exercise 1: Create a Revision Scheme
Lesson 3: Revising Files
Exercise 1: Revise a File
Chapter 4: Categories in Autodesk Vault Workgroup
Lesson 1: Categories and Rules
Exercise 1: Changing Categories
Lesson 2: Managing Categories and Rules
Exercise 1: Managing Categories
Chapter 5: Managing Properties
Lesson 1: System-Defined properties vs. User-Defined properties
Exercise 1: Create a new User-Defined Property
Lesson 2: The Properties Grid
Exercise 1: Working with Properties Grid
Lesson 3: Map Properties
Exercise 1: Map Properties
Chapter 6: Automatic File Naming in Autodesk Vault Workgroup
Lesson 1: Create Custom Numbering Schemes
Exercise 1: Define Custom Numbering Scheme
Exercise 2: Create a New Autodesk Inventor File Numbering Scheme
Chapter 7 Creating Reports
Lesson 1: Creating Reports
Exercise 1: Create a Search Report
Lesson 2: Creating CustomReport Templates
Chapter 8 Autodesk Inventor In-CAD Data Management
Lesson 1: Working with Data Cards
Exercise 1: Manage a Card Deck
Lesson 2: Data Mapping and Report Generation
Exercise 1: Map Your Data
Lesson 3: Sheet Set Manager Integration
Chapter 9. Copy Design, Job Server, Vault Revision Tables and Backups
Lesson 1: Copy Design
Exercise 1: Copy Design
Lesson 2: Enable the Job Server
Exercise 2: Run some Jobs and watch them in the Job Queue
Lesson 3: Configuring the Job Server
Exercise 3: Change Settings in the Job Processor
Lesson 4: Vault Revision Table Administration
Lesson 5: Backup and Restore
Exercise 4: Backup your Vault