- Understand the JPA architecture
- Create JPA based applications
- Understand and use JPA to map persistent objects to the database
- Create JPA persistence units, and understand JPA persistence contexts and the Entity Lifecycle
- Use the JPA EntityManager
- Work with queries and JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language), as well as the Criteria API (JPA 2)
- Understand and work with collections & associations
- Value and Entity Types
- Bidrectional and unidirectional
- 1-1, 1-N, N-N
- Use versioning support for optimistic locking
- Map inheritance hierarchies using JPA
- Performance tune your JPA applications
- Understand JPA transaction support
- Understand the relationship between JPA / EJB3
- Use JPA entities from session beans (Optional)
- Be familiar with Spring support for JPA (Optional)
50% hands-on, 50% lecture
Supported Platforms
Persistence Providers: Hibernate, EclipseLink
Java Training Course Duration
3 Days
Java Training Course outline
Session 1: Introduction to Java Persistence API (JPA)
- Overview
- Persistence Layers, Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), JDBC
- JPA Overview
- Mapping with JPA
- Entities and @Entity, ids and @Id,
- Generated Id Values
- Basic Mapping Types
- Persistence Unit and EntityManager
- Persisting to the DB, the EntityManager API
- Persistence Units, Config, Persistence Context
- Retrieving Persistent Entities with find()
- More About Mappings
- Default Mappings, @Basic, @Column
- Field vs. Property Access
- Temporal (Date/Time) Mappings
- Logging Options (Provider based)
Session 2: Updates and Queries
- Inserting and Updating - Persisting new Entities, Updating an Instance, Removing an Instance
- Querying and JPQL
- Entity Based Queries, SELECT ,WHERE
- Query Interface, Executing Queries, Generic Queries (JPA 2)
- JPQL Operators, Expressions, and Parameters
- Named Queries
- Additional Query Capabilities
- Projection query, Ordering, Aggregate Query, Build Update and Delete
- Embedded Objects
- @Embeddable, @Embedded
- Defining and using Embedded Objects
- Compound Primary Keys - @EmbeddedID, @IDClass, Defining Compound Keys
Session 3: The Persistence Lifecycle
- Transaction Overview and Transactions in JPA
- Transaction Overview
- EntityTransaction API (including JTA and resource-local EntityManager)
- The Persistence Lifecycle
- JPA Entity States (New, Managed, Detached, Removed), and Entity State Diagram
- Persistence Context - Lifespan, Propagation
- Synchronization to the DB
- Versioning and Optimistic Locking
- Overview, Detached Instances
- Versioning, @Version, Optimistic Locking
- Lifecycle Callbacks
- @PrePersist, @PostPersist, etc.
- Entity Listeners, @EntityListeners
Session 4: Entity Relationships
- Relationships Overview: Object Relationships, Participants, Roles, Directionality, Cardinality
- Relationship Mapping
- Mapping Overview (1-1, 1-N, N-1, N-N)
- Unidirectional and Bidirectional
- @ManyToOne, @OneToMany, Table Structures
- Relationship Inverse - Owning Side
- Collection Types (List, Set, etc)
- Cascading Over Relationships (including orphanRemoval - JPA 2)
- @ManyToMany, @OneToOne
- Lazy and Eager Loading
- Queries Across Relationships (Inner Joins, Outer Joins, Fetch Joins)
- Entity Inheritance Mapping
- Overview
- Single Table Mapping
- Joined (Table per Subclass) Mapping
- Table per Concrete Class Mapping
- Pros and Cons
- Element Collections (JPA 2)
- Overview, Collections of Value Objects, @ElementCollection, @CollectionTable
- Using Element Collections
- Collections of Embeddables
Session 5: The Crietria API (JPA 2)
- Overview of the Criteria API
- Path Expressions, Building Queries (CriteriaBuilder, CriteriaQuery, Subquery, Predicate, Expression, Order, Selection, Join)
- Executing Queries and Accessing Results
Session 6: Additional JPA Capabilities
- XML Mapping Files
- Bean Validation (JPA 2)
- Best Practices
- Primary Keys, Named Queries, Lazy/Eager Loading, Transactional Semantics, Encapsulation, Report Queries
Session 7: Integration
- Data Access Objects (DAO) and Java SE Integration (Optional)
- DAO Overview
- JpaUtil Class for EntityManager management in Java SE
- Lifecycle Considerations
- Integration with EJB (Optional)
- Using JPA with Session Beans
- Container Managed (Injected) Entity Manger
- JTA Transactions and Lifecycle Considerations
- Extended Persistence Contexts
- Using JPA with Java Web Apps
- Using EntityManager in Web apps - request scoping
- Lazy Loading - Open EntityManager in View Pattern
- Integration with Spring (Optional)
- Injection of EntityManger, EntityManagerFactory
- LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean
- JPA/Spring Based DAO