Java Training Overview
Intermediate Java and OO Development is a fast paced course suitable for programmers with some previous experience in working with Java and Object-Oriented (OO) programming (equivalent to taking our Gentle Java course). It includes a short review of basic Java concepts, and then moves on to a comprehensive coverage of more advanced topics in Java and OO programming to provide participants with a strong grounding in using Java in a sophisticated and productive manner.
50% hands-on, 50% lecture
Bare Sun JDK, IBM RAD, Eclipse
Java Review Review - More Advanced OO Concepts in Java Interfaces and Abstract Classes Error Handling JDBC Java 2 Collections Framework Additional Java Features
(including Java 5) I/O Streams Inner Classes Reflection ant: Basics ant: Tasks ant: Modularity JUnit: Basics JUnit: Organizing Tests Logging: Basics Logging: More On log4j
This course goes well beyond the basics of Java and OO programming and covers important topics such as composition, inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces and exceptions, which are all key to creating well-structured OO systems using Java. After coverage of these important areas, it moves on to more advanced topics such as JDBC (for database access), the Java Collections Framework - including the generics capabilties introduced in Java 5, Java I/O, assertions, inner classes, and the reflection API. Finally it covers useful tools for day-to-day programming such as ant, JUnit and various logging frameworks.
This course covers far more than an introductory course, and provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of how to use Java's advanced capabilities in a more sophisticated manner. It teaches a number of useful techniques that enhance productivity and good system design - which Java programmers may otherwise take years to absorb on their own.
This course is suitable for environments using Java 5, or Java 6. All labs are doable in any of the supported Java environments. The course may be done using JDK 1.4, by skipping the labs that use Java 5+ capabilities. The course is fast-paced and interesting. Be prepared to work hard and learn a great deal! The course can be held on-site & customized to fit your needs.
Java Training Skills Gained
Supported Platforms
Java Training Course Duration
5 Days
Java Training Course outline