Java Training Overview
Struts is an open source, Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework developed by The Apache Software Foundation as part of its Jakarta project. Struts is built on top of JSP, Servlets, and custom tag libraries.
After reading the first J2EE Blueprints from Sun with their explanation of MVC and how to accomplish it with custom tags, Servlets, and JSP, one can clearly see that Struts is a manifestation of Sun's J2EE MVC vision.
Struts addresses many major issues in using vanilla Servlets/JSP to build web systems. It solves the problem of controller complexity by removing the workflow logic from the Servlets, and directing workflow in an XML configuration file. Struts improves on the limited form support in JSP by adding numerous capabilities to form processing including easy validation, easy error display, and the refilling of form input on form retries from a users previous entries. It minimizes the complexity of JSP pages, by integrating with the JSTL tag library, and additionally supplying a very extensive and flexible set of custom tag libraries for many of the standard operations needed in JSP pages.
This course will get you up to speed with Struts in a very short time. It includes all the important concepts, and hands on labs that will have you building working Struts applications in no time flat. In addition, this course covers how to extend the Struts framework to fit your unique needs.
All labs can be done with the Eclipse IDE or a simple editor, and the lab instructions include detailed directions on both environments.
50% hands-on, 50% lecture Getting started with Struts Your first Struts Application Mapping the Model to the View Errors and Debugging Struts Applications Dynamic Forms and the Validator Framework Working with the Tiles Custom Library Additional Capabilities
Java Training Course Duration
3 Days
Java Training Course outline