Red Hat Enterprise Linux Survival Skills Series

Linux Training Overview

This series teaches the basic working environment of an RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) system. It introduces commonly required operations that can be performed by entering commands interactively in a command terminal, along with functions available in the Desktop Environments (KDE and Gnome).

The courses are specifically for RHEL on any supported hardware platform.

Linux Training Prerequisites

This course is considered to be the basic RHEL course. Experience with any interactive system is helpful.

Linux Training Course duration

This course normally requires three (3) days, approximately 50% lecture and 50% lab time.

Linux Training Course Objectives

Each participant will be able to use Bash Shell techniques and commands to maintain collections of files, create files using interactive editor utilities, create and execute basic command procedures, communicate with other users, and tailor the interactive environment to meet their needs. Environment control via KDE/Gnome graphical utilities will also be shown. Day-to-day system administration functions are also shown by commands and graphical interfaces.

Linux Training Course Sessions Overview

The sessions are oriented in a layered approach: skills and techniques shown build upon the previous set. Each of the first three Skills sessions are one (1) day in duration. The overall goal is to have each participant at a functional (user and scripting) level with RHEL at the end of the course.

Linux Training Course outline


    Understanding the User Environment

        Linux / Unix Software Overview
        Process Concepts
        The Desktop Environment GUIs (KDE / Gnome)

    Getting Started with the Command Language

        Logging Into a RHEL System
        Graphically through the KDE / Gnome
        Non-graphically thru telnet or ssh
        Bash Shell Syntax Rules
        Command Line Editing
        Obtaining help using man(ual) pages
        Basic Network Operations

    Managing Files

        File Specification Syntax
        Device Specifications
        Directory Specifications
        Using the KDE file manager (Konqueror)
        Using the Gnome file manager (Nautilus)
        Regular Expressions and Special Characters
        Linux Basic Commands to Manipulate Files
        File Protection Mechanisms

    Creating and Editing Text Files

        Using GUI-based editors (kedit, kwrite, gedit)
        vi / vim Editor Essentials
        ex Editor (commands within vi / vim)


    Creating and Editing Text Files

        Advanced Features of the vi / vim Editor
        mapping keys

    Managing Files

        More Regular Expressions (with grep, sed, tr)
        More Linux Commands to Manipulate Files

    Improving the User Interface

        Creating Command Aliases
        Redirection of Input and Output
        Using Hard and Symbolic Links
        Process Control Commands

    Shell Script Procedures

        Rules for Creating Procedures
        The .bash_profile script

    Print and Batch Mechanisms

        The lp and lpr Commands and options
        The at Command and options
        Creating and Using crontabs


    Writing Bash Shell Scripts

        Types of Scripts
        Reasons to write Shell Scripts
        Layout of Bash Shell Scripts
        Developing and Using a Script Template
        Executing and Debugging Shell Scripts
        Bash Shell environment variables
        User-defined variables
                direct, input, command args
        Substitution of variables
        Command substitution in variables
        Decision statements (if, case)
        Looping statement constructs (while, for)
        typesetting variables for output (printf)
        typesetting integer variables
        use case with menu-type scripts

    User Level Archiving Operations

        tar utility syntax
        tar commands for product access
        Using compression/uncompression commands
        gzip / gunzip

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