Linux Training Overview
This course will teach the commands and methods needed to perform
troubleshooting networking, security, and performance issues on
a functioning RHEL5 system. The course will also use a problem
solving approach in the lab exercises to teach system administrators
a methodology of: discovery, analysis, tools, and solution in each
area that is covered.
On completion of this course, a systems administrator should be able to
use a methodology to analyze and solve problems with system components,
along with usage of tools to proactively identify issues as they occur (or
before they occur).
This course is the equivalent to Red Hat course 142.
Systems: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 5 (all update levels)
Linux Training Prerequisites
It is assumed that the participant has successfully completed the
Red Hat Linux Essentials (RH 033) and RHEL5 Systems Administration
Essentials (RH 131) courses, or has equivalent system time
as a user and a working systems administrator
Linux Training Course duration
This course normally requires three (3) days, approximately 60%
lecture, and 40% lab time.
Linux Training Course Objectives
Linux Training Course outline
Review of System Concepts for System Administrators
Overview of Troubleshooting Techniques
Startup Time Issues and Resolutions
RHEL5 Hardware Configuration
RHEL5 Software Configuration
Networking Troubleshooting Considerations
Security Issues
Application Troubleshooting
Resources for Troubleshooting Information