- MVC and Model 2
- Command Pattern
- Jakarta Struts
- More XML, Less Java!
- Action Mappings
- JavaBeans in Struts
- Working with Forms
- Validation
- Presentation Technology
- Tiles
Chapter 2. Action Mappings
- Command Pattern for Web Applications
- ActionServlet
- Action and Action Mappings
- Struts Configuration
- Selecting a Forward
- Global Forwards
- Declarative Exception Handling
- Global Exception Handlers
Chapter 3. Forms
- Working with HTML Forms
- Action Forms, a/k/a Form Beans
- Relationship to Input
- Relationship to Actions
- Relationship to the Model
- Relationship to Output
- DynaActionForm and Map-Backed Forms
- Validation
- Coarse-Grained Form Beans
Chapter 4. Struts Tag Libraries
- Building View Components
- Struts Tag Libraries
- Attributes and Struts Expressions
- Building Forms
- <html:form>
- <html:text> et. al.
- Forms and Form Beans
- Scope and Duration of Form Data
- Managing Hyperlinks
- Error Messages
- Logic Tags
Chapter 5. The JSP Standard Tag Library
- JSTL Overview
- JSP Expression Language
- Core Tags
- Formatting Tags
- SQL Tags
- XML Tags
- Mixing JSTL, EL, Scripts and Actions
- Indexed Properties and Struts HTML Forms
Chapter 6. Internationalization and Localization
- i18n in Java
- i18n in Actions
- i18n in JSTL
- i18n in Validation
Chapter 7. Input Validation
- Validation in Web Applications
- Validation in Struts
- The Struts Validator Plug-In
- Validating ActionForm Subtypes
- Configuring Validation
- Standard Validators
- Rules
- The ActionMessages Class
- Is <html:form> Necessary?
- Reporting Errors
- Multi-Page Validation
- Client-Side Validation
- Limitations on the Client Side
- Implementing a Validator
- Implementing ActionForm.validate
- Mapping-Based Validation
Chapter 8. Advanced Configuration
- Struts Configuration in Depth
- Wildcards
- Extensions
- The Configuration Object Model
- Subclasses and <set-property>
- Plug-Ins
- Integrating Other Frameworks
- Role-Based Security
- Chaining Actions
- The ComposableRequestProcessor Class
- Configuring Command Chains
- Modules
Chapter 9. Under the Hood
- Global Objects
- Specialized Struts Actions
- The Utility Package
- The Commons BeanUtils Class
- Form Beans as Adapters to the Business Tier
- Reusing Validation Rules
- Graceful Validation
Chapter 10. Tiles
- Consistent Look and Feel
- Reusable Layouts and Content
- The Tiles Framework
- Instantiating Layouts
- Body-Wrap Insertions
- Tiles and Stylesheets
- Working with Tiles Attributes
- The Tiles Context
- Definitions
- Aggregation and Inheritance
- The Tiles Plug-In
- Forwarding to Definitions
- Performance Considerations
Appendix A. Learning Resources
Appendix B. Quick Reference
Hardware/Software Requirements
Hardware – minimal
1.0 GHz, 500 meg RAM, 500 meg disk space.
Hardware – recommended
1.5 GHz, 1 gig RAM, 1 gig disk space.
Operating system
Tested on Windows XP Professional. Course software should be viable on all systems which support a J2SE 5.0 JDK.
All free downloadable tools.